Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'm back

I decided not to take a break I have a few new items I wish to put out before taking a break. I also will be working with Doll sanity again on a few projects . Please note I have tons of previews I still have to restore so please be patient I know a lot of you wondering what happened to certain products they are still there and I will be releasing some of them and some that's really old will be retired. For the next few days you will see new products if you haven't already check out my new products please do . If you want to see a new clothing line by Lhamu you must continue to support me by buying my products. The picture at the top of the page is a old product of mine that I'm thinking about bringing back if you would like me to bring it back please note me if you don't want it back don't say a word . Rude remarks will not be posted and will be dealt with however I see fit bottom line don't make me upset I hate to get upset..Lhamu

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