Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007

Paint shop Pro Skin Tutorial

You will need Paint shop pro , imvu skin templates , time and a good idea of what style of make-up you are going for gothic , urban, rock etc.

Ready to get started ? I hope so well lets open Psp( Paint shop pro)

Next open the head skin template.

Make a new layer and name it eyeshadow select a color of your choice and select a round brush
and lets start painting zoom in and out as needed. Here's my eyeshadow I have begun to paint

I would like to add a quick tip I use to get your eyeshadow to match up duplicate a layer and mirror it.

Now I will save my skin and view in the previewer

This is my skin so far you will notice I went down far on the eyes as a result I have eye liner
I would like to go back to psp and paint and blend a little more to blend use the soften tool.

After blending and adding a second layer of color

I view my image and notice I need to blend more and add more layers to be honest skins can take hours to achieve the desired looked. So I'm off to Psp again to paint and blend...

After more blending and painting*Note remember to blend*
I will now add my lipstick make sure you make a new layer name it lipstick
next paint the lips the shade you would like and add highlights and shades by using the dodge and burn tool.

Finished skin Example 1

Finished skin Example 2

If you need help leave a note here or on my imvu page .

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Skin tutorial on hold

Skin tutorial coming soon.Lhamu

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Imvu skin tutorial coming soon

I'm working on a skin tutorial for you all I will try and have it posted here by tomorrow. I will make it simple for everyone step by step using Paint shop pro, screen captures included so if you have been looking for a skin tutorial using psp it's on the way . Lhamu

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'm back

I decided not to take a break I have a few new items I wish to put out before taking a break. I also will be working with Doll sanity again on a few projects . Please note I have tons of previews I still have to restore so please be patient I know a lot of you wondering what happened to certain products they are still there and I will be releasing some of them and some that's really old will be retired. For the next few days you will see new products if you haven't already check out my new products please do . If you want to see a new clothing line by Lhamu you must continue to support me by buying my products. The picture at the top of the page is a old product of mine that I'm thinking about bringing back if you would like me to bring it back please note me if you don't want it back don't say a word . Rude remarks will not be posted and will be dealt with however I see fit bottom line don't make me upset I hate to get upset..Lhamu

Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm taking a day or two off from developing don't worry I will be back with more diamonds and clothing . I just need a short break sometimes I go away and come back with new ideas .You will notice my homepage and boutique looks like crap in internet explorer so try using firefox while shopping at my boutique or while visiting my homepage the only hang up is you can't hear the music on my page while using firefox.Well see you all soon (waves bye ) Lhamu

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hey there Imvu customers check out my latest products . I wanted to let you all know I'm still working on restoring images and backgrounds on my product page it will take weeks to get everything back in order I have released a diamond collection a new skintone and new hair so check it out.
The products you see here are just a few of my new releases I hope you enjoy them. Lhamu