Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm taking a day or two off from developing don't worry I will be back with more diamonds and clothing . I just need a short break sometimes I go away and come back with new ideas .You will notice my homepage and boutique looks like crap in internet explorer so try using firefox while shopping at my boutique or while visiting my homepage the only hang up is you can't hear the music on my page while using firefox.Well see you all soon (waves bye ) Lhamu

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hey there Imvu customers check out my latest products . I wanted to let you all know I'm still working on restoring images and backgrounds on my product page it will take weeks to get everything back in order I have released a diamond collection a new skintone and new hair so check it out.
The products you see here are just a few of my new releases I hope you enjoy them. Lhamu

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fishnet tutorial psp ( for imvu members)

I work with psp and ps but for this tutorial I will show you how to make fishnet brushes in psp (paint shop pro) . Theres two ways of doing so but I will only show you one method today so pay close attention and enjoy.

Materials you need for this tutorial
  1. Paint shop pro
  2. X brush comes with psp

Now let's get started open up psp and make a new image 100 pixels by 100 pixels transparent background.

Next set your background and foreground color to black now click on your paint brush and select the x brush.

Now lets start in the top left hand corner paint a x and duplicated the layer and move the x under the other x until they touch keep doing these step until your whole image is full of x's if done right it should look like the image at the top.

Now add a new layer merge the go to file , export custom brush name the brush fishnet and save and you're done.

More imvu tutorials coming soon.......

Changes to my boutique

You will notice changes to my boutique will be made over the next two weeks or so new layouts and icons . During this change preview images may down for a short time but not to worry they will be back up soon as possible. Also you will notice some of my products have been removed from the catalog by me if you would like any of my old products leave a private message on my homepage.
Also in the near future I will be posting tutorials here so check back often for updates... Lhamu